Psychiatric Victims in New Zealand Demand Justice – Not Apology

Today the hundreds of people who were savaged as innocent children by psychiatrists at Lake Alice are still waiting for the guilty to be held accountable for the abuse and cover up.


Psychiatry’s Relentless Hype of “Psychedelics” Turns a Blind Eye to the Drugs’ Dismal and Deadly Track Record of Failure

Notorious psychedelic drugs of the 1960s are now widely promoted as panaceas for mental illness by diverse factions seeking reputation or a new cash cow—both at human expense.


Victim’s Story Puts a Human Face on Tony Ortega’s Vile Defense of Backpage.com

A crescent scar etched into Alissa’s tender, innocent cheek, gives lasting testimony to the horrors once inflicted on helpless children by the notorious online brothel Backpage.com.


A Syllabus of Errors

Professor Douglas Laycock review of Marci Hamilton’s book “God vs. the Gavel”


The Brutal Consequences of Antireligious Hate

The assassination of Shinzo Abe was the work of a disturbed man inflamed by antireligious hate.


The Paul Haggis Lie

Smoking-gun evidence has long exposed Haggis’ lies, from his sham “resignation” from the Church of Scientology to his latest conspiracy theory. But the accused rapist continues to shop his scripted story to media who will buy it.


Psychiatry’s Brave New World of Psychedelic Drugs

Infamous psychedelic drugs of the 1960s are now being touted as a solution to mental illness, despite the fact that such drugs are illegal in most countries, particularly the United States.


Buffalo Shooter Espoused Racism Rooted in Eugenics

On May 14, 2022, an angry 18-year-old man allegedly opened fire in a Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York, killing 10 people and wounding three.


Tragedy in Uvalde—What is the Hidden Cause of School Shooting?

On May 24, 2022, at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the unimaginable and unthinkable happened.


American Psychiatric Association Ignores Guidance to End Coercion and Abuse

Citizens Commission on Human Rights denounced APA executives for failing to address the World Health Organization and UN Human Rights Council reports that have demanded institutional psychiatry abandon coercive practices.


5 Things You Don’t Know About Leah Remini

Leah Remini originally made a name for herself as a comedic actress, but living with her, working for her and being one of her family was no laughing…


iHeart Silent About Why They Violate Corporate Policy to Peddle Bigotry

In blatant violation of its content policy, iHeart produces and gives its platform to Leah Remini’s vindictive hate podcast against Scientologists.