Hamilton Objects: There’s “Too Much Religious Liberty”
Marci Hamilton is dogged by her nemesis—the Religious Freedom Restoration Act—and the religious liberty she has fought against for decades.
Hamilton’s Unholy Crusade
Child USA’s antireligious heritage from a hate group is alive and well in the company Hamilton keeps today.
A Cautionary Tale from Michigan
When Michigan lawmakers and the state’s former chief justice challenged Marci Hamilton on her facts—and on her potential bias—the dishonesty in her campaign came to light. It hasn’t changed.
Fake Science: Pick a Number
Attorney Marci Hamilton repeatedly falsifies the results of a study to manipulate legislators, getting laws changed to profit attorneys who support her Child USA.
“It’s a ‘Follow the Money’ Story”
Opposition to attorney Marci Hamilton and her Child USA grows with the mounting evidence her campaign is a travesty, out to profit lawyers—while the vast majority of victims of child sex abuse are shut out from justice.
A Profitable and Self-Serving Agenda
Attorney Marci Hamilton heads a nonprofit critics say benefits law firms, and Hamilton herself, at the expense of the majority of adult victims of childhood sex abuse she claims to serve.
Victims Left Behind
The campaign largely led by Child USA and its CEO, Marci Hamilton, purportedly on behalf of child sex abuse victims, is leaving the majority of victims behind.
The Dolce Disaster
Michael Dolce—Cohen Milstein law partner, and poster boy for Marci Hamilton and her Child USA campaign—charged with possession of child pornography.
Paul Haggis: The Bad Actor
Want to take acting lessons—from a truly bad actor? If you’re visiting Italy, or live there, now’s your chance.
Aaron Smith-Levin and the “Domestic Terrorist”
In his antireligious campaigning, Smith-Levin has welcomed affiliation and support from various criminals, including Nathaniel Plotner, aka “Nasty Nathaniel.”
The Psychedelics Bandwagon: Down the Rabbit Hole
Part II of the Freedom investigation into why notorious psychedelic drugs of the 1960s are now being promoted as new panaceas for mental illness by diverse factions seeking reputation or a new cash cow, despite the risks to consumers.
Psychiatric Victims in New Zealand Demand Justice – Not Apology
Today the hundreds of people who were savaged as innocent children by psychiatrists at Lake Alice are still waiting for the guilty to be held accountable for the abuse and cover up.