Psychiatry’s Racist Past and Present
Columbia University’s suspension in late February of Jeffrey Lieberman, chairman of its psychiatry department, is yet another example of how racist…
Spotify Breaches Terms of Service to Preach Hate
The audio streaming and media services provider hosts scores of episodes that explicitly violate its terms of service, as well as those of its subsidiary company, Megaphone.
Church of Scientology Launches YouTube Channel: Leah Remini. The Facts.
New channel hosts dozens of videos from Leah Remini’s family, former friends and associates, and from Remini herself.
Church of Scientology Launches Website on Leah Remini—The Real Story
New website reveals the unprecedented, documented facts about Leah Remini—what she did in the Church, her hate campaign since, and why.
Another Tragic School Shooting—Who Is to Blame?
Parental irresponsibility, the availability of firearms and the failure of the mental health system all become targets for blame. But there is another element that is often overlooked.
Backpage Founders Lacey and Larkin Stand Trial on Charges of Facilitating Prostitution and Money Laundering
The trial of former Backpage.com owners Michael Lacey, James Larkin and five others began September 1 in an Arizona court, in a case that could have repercussions for media and the ethical guidelines it follows to govern its content.
The Oldest Professional—Karen de la Carriere
Evidence of the depths to which Leah Remini and Mike Rinder would sink to fabricate a “story” was a segment that appeared on the A&E series only once in…
Hana Whitfield—Attempted Murderer and Extortionist
She fled her native South Africa after faltering in an brutal attempt to kill her father, leaving her brother to carry out the murder, for which he was convicted and sent to prison.
Steve Hassan—Violent Deprogrammer for Hire
Deprogrammer and Remini advisor Steve Hassan is a former CAN member with a decades-long history of violence.
Leah Remini Star Therapist Facing License Revocation
Accused of “incompetence” and “gross negligence, California "cult" therapist linked to Leah Remini claimed “specialized expertise” in evaluation of mother of two she never met.
First-Ever Criminal Charges Filed Against Drug Company Executives Over Opioid Crisis
New York company to pay $20 million in penalties; two executives facing life in prison over charges of intentionally trafficking in millions of pain pills and defrauding the DEA.
Tony Ortega: Sex Trafficking Apologist
Tony Ortega, out-of-work blogger and former child sex trafficking Backpage.com facilitator. He would attempt to discredit those who threatened his cash cow.