Around every corner you can find people in the community working together, combining their strengths and resources toward a better tomorrow for all in their wake.
When throwing a party for the Clearwater community, one would be remiss not to have face paint for kids, caricature artists and a grand-prize raffle. But one would also be remiss not to feature those holding the very weight of this community on their shoulders—nonprofits. The Church of Scientology’s seasonal Block Parties have grown to showcase 15 charities at a time from the local community, providing them with a booth and thousands of visitors to learn about their cause.
From the Say No to Drugs Holiday Classic race to anti-human trafficking organizations—and from garden clubs and local pastors to police officers—there’s a very, very large percentage of groups in Clearwater and the Tampa Bay Area that have one purpose in common: to make a difference in the community for the better.
For the centers on Fort Harrison Avenue and the many other charitable causes that the Church supports, that is what it is all about.
In 2019, the seven Church-supported nonprofit organizations lining Fort Harrison have partnered with over 1,000 like-minded individuals, groups and organizations. The humanitarian centers and their many community partners have distributed over 200,000 educational materials in Clearwater and Tampa Bay, from drug education to human rights, and held events for the community, bringing over 20,000 people through their doors.
More recently, as Hurricane Dorian was devastating the Bahamas with Category 5 tempests in early September 2019, Clearwater’s Volunteer Ministers amassed boats and airplanes to bring thousands of much-needed hygiene kits and necessities to Freeport and the Abaco Islands. From 500-man neighborhood cleanups to free disaster response training courses, the Volunteer Ministers are spotted throughout the community in their trademark bright yellow shirts.
To top it off, for over a quarter of a century the Clearwater Community Volunteers, supported by the Church, has put on family fun for all Clearwater residents ranging from the Ginormous Easter Egg Hunt in Coachman Park to the famed downtown Winter Wonderland, now in its 27th year.
United with charities and nonprofits across Tampa Bay, the Church continues to lend both hands to make a difference in our community.

Educational materials have been distributed in Clearwater and Tampa Bay by the humanitarian centers and their many community partners

Like-minded individuals, groups and organizations have partnered with the seven Church-supported nonprofit organizations lining Fort Harrison in 2019