Cover Story

A church in the South, perhaps more than anywhere, is the center of community life. The KKK has traditionally attacked black churches because of their pivotal role in the community and in promoting the improvement of conditions for blacks in society.

According to the Center for Democratic Renewal, a clearinghouse for information about hate crimes, insurance fails to come close to covering the costs incurred in rebuilding a church that has burned. And that has been the goal of virtually all congregations—to rebuild. Any whisper of “insurance fraud” thus becomes another red herring.

The heavy-handed manner in which ATF agents pursue pastors and parishioners for alleged fraud is not warranted, according to information from insurance firms. The vice president of Southern Mutual Church Insurance Company, Robert Bedell, whose firm insures a large number of churches in South Carolina, one of the states most heavily hit by arson, said that of the black churches they insure, not a single burning had been an “inside job.” Church Mutual Insurance Company reported that among all churches they insure, both black and white, in which arson is involved, the percentage attributed to “inside jobs” is so small that it is of no concern to them.

Freedom also learned that insurance policies of certain Southern black churches have been canceled in light of the waves of firebombings—yet another form of punishment of the innocent.

A Fire on the Cross continued...

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