Cover Story

Infiltration of Hate

The central agency in the investigation, the ATF, is still struggling to live down a series of disasters, including its 1993 debacle at Waco, Texas, where it committed the fatal blunder of acting upon information from a convicted felon, jewel thief and psychopath named Rick Ross and a now-defunct hate group called the Cult Awareness Network. (See “The Shadows of Waco”)

That the ATF bought “information” from the likes of Ross and gave him preferred status was alarming. That it acted upon that information, as at Waco, was even more so and reflected upon the agency and its management just as seriously as do accounts of ATF agents’ activities at the annual “Good Ole Boys Roundup” in the hills of Tennessee, where bigotry was the order of the day and racism was in full bloom.

Many Americans, blacks as well as whites, recall media exposes about signs at the entrance to the site of some of the roundups, marked “N – – r Check Point” and “No N – – rs Allowed.” Throughout one year’s event, a black person hung in effigy near the check-in point.

The “Good Ole Boys Roundup” was in fact a creation of ATF agents, launched in 1980, with up to 500 “Good Ole Boys” attending in certain years. For the 1992 roundup, ATF agents reportedly designed and promoted a “Pocket N – – r” T-shirt, with artwork depicting a small black child peering out of a pocket. In 1995, such memorabilia as “N – – r-Hunting Licenses” and T-shirts with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s face in the cross-hairs of a rifle were featured.

Drunkenness, brawls, nudity and blatantly racist skits earmarked these gatherings, with charges of drug abuse and gang rape also surfacing. ATF special agent Gene Rightmyer, now retired, was the principal organizer, while “security” was provided by ATF agents from the bureau’s Knoxville office.

A Fire on the Cross continued...

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