The following article
was written for
Freedom by
Mr. Hubbard in
March 1969
t is obvious that false accusations and the failure to confront a person directly with his accusers break down the social structure of a nation to a point where any internal insurgent or foreign nation with a rallying cause can overthrow it. This has happened in country after country in this century and includes the bulk of the land areas of the planet. Indeed, the hidden false accusations, corruption and injustices of Czarist Russia began our present international troubles with its successful Bolshevik revolt in 1917.
This new datum, taken from the philosophy of Scientology, gives us a rapid way to rehabilitate the West before it too goes the route.
Usually such proposed reforms carry with them ponderous administration or change.
There is a very simple way to provide fast inexpensive justice for the entire population.
Leave all existing judges as they are but handling only appeal cases.
Grade attorneys and judges against a scale arranged with bar associations.
Do not prevent attorneys from appearing as attorneys in courts other than their own.
Make the penalty for false accusation whether or not under oath commensurate to the amount of damage it would have done if it succeeded in unjustly disciplining or punishing someone.
Repeal all insanity commitment laws and replace them with the ordinary penal code. Cease to involve jurisprudence with mental expertise.
Indict any and all physical damage by reason of shock or brain surgery as a criminal offense which it already is.
Pass legislation requiring any accused to be confronted by his or her accusers.
Prevent the seizure of property by psychiatrists or the state or a custodian by reason of legal proceedings.
Protect people and groups from fallacious and vexatious attacks.
Eradicate all special privilege categories wherein officials and others cannot be sued or disciplined for abuse of power.
Eradicate and make actionable any and all forms of police brutality.
Remove from the statute all laws calculated to get somebody for crimes or misdemeanors other than those of which he is suspected.
Pass legislation preventing Bills of Attainder in which groups or persons who have committed no offense can be injured.
Adhere to the principle of law that a person is innocent until he is proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
It is lack of ready, speedy, inexpensive justice that creates crime.
Justice is only taken into a persons own hands when it is nowhere else available.