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   Published by the Church of Scientology International

Welcome to the new Ireland edition of Freedom
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Freedom: The Voice of the Church of Scientology since 1968

Freedom: The Voice of the Church of Scientology since 1968 In this issue our lead story shows the Church of Scientology’s campaign to help counter the scourge of drugs through drug education — an objective shared by all people in communities throughout Ireland.

In our “What is Scientology?” article, you will learn not only the practical basics of the Scientology religion, but how to gain a greater understanding of the subject.

Finally, it is Freedom’s view that people and groups can and will work together to improve society. Underpinning the vast potentials inherent in doing so is the ability to cooperate with one another — no matter our religious beliefs. We therefore conclude with an article on this important topic by L. Ron Hubbard, American philosopher and founder of the Scientology religion.

Freedom: The Voice of the Church of Scientology since 1968
Effective help — when and where it’s needed most
Fighting the Scourge of Drugs
What Is Scientology?
Effective help — when and where it’s needed most
Scientology religion defined
Respect the Religious Beliefs of Others by L. Ron Hubbard
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