Logan H. Merrill

Investigative Reporter


Logan graduated from Brandeis University under the writing tutelage of famed playwright William Gibson. After authoring scripts for film and television, Logan shifted his focus to online journalism. He specializes in media and ethics, human rights and psychiatric abuse.



Scottsdale, AZ Police Arrest Over 200 in Human Trafficking Operation, Including Football Coach

Child sex trafficking, prostitution, luring a minor for sexual exploitation, possession of narcotic drugs and felony flight are among the charges.


Scientology Skyrocketed Christoph Roth to the Top of Visual Effects

Christoph always had talent but lacked knowledge about life itself. Now he’s reached the top of his profession by applying the principles of Scientology. 


Pfizer-Exec-Turned-FDA-Exec Patrizia Cavazzoni Turns Pfizer Exec Again 

As an FDA executive, Cavazzoni handed Pfizer, her former employer, a record-setting number of approved drugs in one year. And now she’s back. There’s a reason they call it the “revolving door.”


First Amendment Scholar Steven Collis Is on a Peace Mission

Steven T. Collis has spent his scholarly life showing how the First Amendment is the key to a healthy and peaceful society. 


Black History’s 100th Celebration a Moment of Cultural Reflection

Few know the history of Dr. Carter Woodson and his single-handed effort to preserve Black history. Grown from a week to a month, Black history is woven into American culture.


America Finally Gets the Memo: SSRIs & Other Psychiatric Drugs Kill

A new government commission will evaluate the deadly threat of psychotropic drugs. They’ll discover exactly what the Church of Scientology has been saying for years. 


CCHR Testifies to Curb “Psychiatric Youth Transport” aka Child Abduction

Called “gooning,” the abduction of children for forcible psychiatric incarceration is an outrage that must end, and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights is leading the fight.


Drug Trafficker Used Social Media to Ensnare Youth in His Crimes

Now sentenced to a decade in prison, this Washington man used Snapchat to recruit young drug couriers, showing off his luxurious lifestyle—one built on human misery.


Now They’re Beating the Kids—Abuse of Children at UK Psychiatric Facility Exposed

A new report reveals that staff at Cygnet Joyce Parker Hospital sadistically dragged children to put them in needless restraints—and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.


“This Is Not a Threat But a Promise”—Hundreds Arrested in California Anti-Trafficking Sting

More than 100 law enforcement agencies across the state helped rescue nearly 180 individuals believed to be victims of human trafficking.