Daily Beast CEO Ben Sherwood Is the Same Kind of Sexual Predator He Regularly Platforms, Accusers Say

As The Daily Beast nears oblivion, their CEO’s sordid past is rearing its ugly head. Their use of sources for articles with the same ugly history of which Sherwood stands accused probably isn’t helping. 


Daily Beast’s Sean Craig Whitewashes Abuse of Women; Sources Story to Wife Beaters & Sex Trafficking Enablers

The Daily Beast’s desperation to exercise their anti-Scientology bigotry causes them to ignore the compromised and deeply disturbing backgrounds of their sources.


The Paul Haggis Lie

Smoking-gun evidence has long exposed Haggis’ lies, from his sham “resignation” from the Church of Scientology to his latest conspiracy theory. But the accused rapist continues to shop his scripted story to media who will buy it.


iHeart Silent About Why They Violate Corporate Policy to Peddle Bigotry

In blatant violation of its content policy, iHeart produces and gives its platform to Leah Remini’s vindictive hate podcast against Scientologists.


Spotify Breaches Terms of Service to Preach Hate

The audio streaming and media services provider hosts scores of episodes that explicitly violate its terms of service, as well as those of its subsidiary company, Megaphone.


The Oldest Professional—Karen de la Carriere

Evidence of the depths to which Leah Remini and Mike Rinder would sink to fabricate a “story” was a segment that appeared on the A&E series only once in…


Leah Remini Star Therapist Facing License Revocation

Accused of “incompetence” and “gross negligence, California "cult" therapist linked to Leah Remini claimed “specialized expertise” in evaluation of mother of two she never met.


Tara Brown Takes a Page From Leah Remini’s Scamming Playbook

Tara Brown’s new version of yellow journalism has serious implications.


Interfaith Council Demands Disney Cancel A&E Anti-Religious Hate Show

Group delivers second letter to Disney CEO Robert Iger calling for cancellation of Leah Remini: Aftermath, after murder of Church of Scientology staff member and escalating threats and violence aimed at the Church of Scientology and other religions.


Mike Rinder: Wife-Beating Bobblehead

Leah Remini has never revealed to her audiences the truth about her co-host Mike Rinder. He was removed from his position and expelled from the Church…