New Research Finds Dangerous Psychedelic Drugs Misrepresented by Psychiatry

With profit as the most obvious motive, psychiatry is pushing dangerous psychedelic drugs at every turn. New research studies are pushing back.

Mushrooms with study in front of it

A profiteering pack of psychiatrists have a new money horse to ride into town: trippy hallucinogenic drugs to “cure” every ailment from depression to addiction to anxiety to schizophrenia.

Excited reports from “studies” praise the effects of the brain-scrambling drugs. Just hop on the hokum train, grab a bottle of whatever psychedelic mixture they’re peddling this week, take a big old swig and—they swear—overnight you’ll be right as rain. And, they claim, a growing body of clinical trials say it’s so. Scads of them are currently underway on various psychedelic drugs, from the date-rape drug ketamine to psilocybin and even LSD.

But a daring and concerned group of researchers at the University of Rennes in France has gone against the money-grubbing psychiatric trend, leading a new study of existing clinical trial reports. The researchers found that psychedelics have been wildly misrepresented, inaccurate claims of study results have been improperly exaggerated and the dangers of the drugs have been seriously minimized.

“The clinical trials generally involve a very small number of patients, over too short a time period.”

Meanwhile, Ecstasy, psilocybin, ketamine, mescaline and LSD are being doled out as freely as cough drops to patients conned into believing they’re miracle cures. Dazzling websites feature testimonials praising the results of “controlled” hallucinations. Words like “luxury rehab” and “the new standard in mental health” leap out, suggesting psychedelic “therapy” is no different than a posh vacation. Psychiatric dupes then fly off to Costa Rica, Mexico, the Netherlands or Portugal to sample ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic brew from the Amazon, expecting healing for their mental woes.

Appropriately entitled “Fragile Promise of Psychedelics in Psychiatry,” the new French study holds that the scientific evidence supporting these “treatments” is weak—and that’s putting it mildly. Despite claims of safety, psychedelics carry the possibility of serious danger, with a high risk of addiction and abuse—risks that only increase when the drugs are given to patients already in a shaky mental state.

A website promoting psychedelic drugs
A website promoting ketamine and psychedelics

The study points out that, against the backdrop of all the psychiatric hype, researchers have played fast and loose with study results and violated double-blind methodology, making it impossible to determine whether psychedelics do anything besides get you tripping and endanger your sanity and life.

A University of Rennes article states: “Analysis of existing knowledge of psychedelic drugs, being coordinated in Rennes, suggests that the level of scientific evidence of their efficacy remains insufficient, despite their serious risks for patients…. In addition to this deteriorated level of evidence, the authors of the study revealed several issues in the critical assessment they performed on the scientific articles. In several of these texts they reveal errors, sometimes in the very title itself. The benefits of psychedelic drugs are often exaggerated. The clinical trials generally involve a very small number of patients, over too short a time period to be of any real relevance, including in the final phase.”

“The [study] authors therefore insist on the need to improve the quality of clinical studies on hallucinogenic drugs,” the article concluded. 

It could be a bigger payday than opioids.

The study also made the case for how the press—always looking for a hot headline and potential income from Big Pharma—has been psychiatry’s co-conspirator in the psychedelic scheme. “There is also evidence that the media have overstated the benefits of hallucinogens,” the study read. “An example is an article in The Guardian suggesting that psilocybin was ‘a more successful treatment for depression than a typical antidepressant,’ although the study it was reporting on found no significant difference on its primary outcome.”

JAMA Network likewise wrote: “Psychedelic research currently appears to be trapped in a hype bubble driven largely by media and industry interests.”

But some publications are so disgusted by the sham, they refuse to participate. As but one example, three clinical trial papers on MDMA-assisted “therapy” were retracted from the journal Psychopharmacology, citing “unethical conduct.” One note read: “The Editors have retracted this article after they were informed of protocol violations amounting to unethical conduct at the … study site by researchers associated with this project.”

Why would researchers misrepresent “results” and fake the outcomes of their studies?

It’s the oldest motive in the world: money.

Always on the lookout for a source of new income when old ones fail, mental health “experts” have gone from the discredited frontal lobotomy to heavily drugging patients into a comatose state, to electroshock, now on its last legs. Psychiatrists desperately need a new cash cow, and hallucinogenic drugs could be the ticket to riches they seek—if they can just get the government to give its approval.

Hence, these clinical studies.

With FDA approval, a torrent of fresh dollars can shoot up through the roof, as psychiatrists become legally sanctioned drug pushers overnight, and begin rolling in greenbacks like Mexican cartel chiefs.

It could be a bigger payday than opioids.

In the US, the annual market for ketamine clinics was $3.1 billion in 2022—a figure expected to climb by 10.6 percent every year between now and 2030. The psilocybin market is estimated at $2 billion, with an expected annual growth rate of 11.3 percent.

When the antidepressants psychiatrists have prescribed don’t work, some 55 percent of people on the drugs are called “treatment resistant.” That’s a potentially very profitable market for psychedelics. (If more than half of patients see no benefit from these dangerous drugs, did you ever wonder why they’re being prescribed in the first place?)

Serious bucks are involved—so serious, in fact, that clinicians are willing to play tricks with test results and ignore the harm hallucinogens cause.

So, in summary: Psychiatrists don’t want to help you, they want to help themselves… to your wallet.

Addictive ketamine and MDMA can increase hypertension and cause cardiac problems, seizures and comas.

Ever hear of Matthew Perry?

To paraphrase Timothy Leary, the guru of LSD, “Turn on, tune in and drop dead.”

You’re better off just being depressed.




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