1. Eulon Ross Taylor, M.D.: Using Algorithms and Protocols in Diagnosing and Treating Offenders with Mental Health Disorders, Corrections Today, August 2001.
2. G. Brock Chisholm: The Reestablishment of Peacetime SocietyThe William Alanson White Memorial Lectures, published in Psychiatry: Journal of the Biology and the Pathology of Interpersonal Relations, February 1946, page 9.
3. Rick Carroll: Doctors Who OKd Kemper, San Francisco Chronicle, May 1, 1973.
4. In the mid-1990s, then Princeton Professor John Dilulio described young offenders supposedly resistant to rehabilitation as super-predators. They are remorseless, he said. They lack empathic impulses; they kill or maim or get involved in other forms of serious crime without much consideration of future penalties. They also seem to be overwhelmingly black, The Guardian London quipped, quoting Baltimore public defender David Addison: If theyre white, they are more likely to be sent for treatment. If theyre black, they are more likely to go to a correctional facility.
5. Patricia A. Brennan, Ph.D., Sarnoff A. Mednick, Ph.D., Dr.Med., and Sheilagh Hodgins, Ph.D.: Major Mental Disorders and Criminal Violence in a Danish Birth Cohort, Archives of General Psychiatry, May 2000
6. See The Kentucky Killings: Yet Another Massacre Follows Use of Psychiatric Drugs, Freedom, December 1989/January 1990, and subsequent coverage.
7. Leah R. Garnett: Prozac Revisited: As Drug Gets Remade, Concerns About Suicides Surface, The Boston Globe, May 7, 2000.
8. Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D.: The Aftermath, pages 2 - 3 (an insert to Tracys Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?, Cassia Publications, Utah, 1991).
9. The Colorado task forces report is available at http://www.state.co.us/gov dir/leg dir/lcsstaff/1999/comsched/99CJSfinalreport.htm.
10. Statistics furnished by John Befus, director of Medical and Psychological Services for the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Youth Corrections, March 14, 2001.
11. Ralph Thomas: States Bill for Prescription Drugs Escalating Rapidly, The Seattle Times, March 18, 2001, and David Callender: Prisons Seek $4 Million for Drugs; Prescription Costs Double, Capital Times (Madison, Wisconsin), April 20, 2001.