Cover Story

Hatred Unmasked

Government officials have endeavored to dismiss the idea of a conspiracy and to color the burnings as the work of “copycats” and kooks, with racism an incidental factor figuring in perhaps a few of the “incidents.”

“The people who have been apprehended so far are mutts,” an ATF spokesman said. “They have no developed ideology and there’s no evidence they are hooked up to any grand conspiracy.”

Freedom has found just the opposite. Those propounding the concept of “no pattern” or “no racism” to attacks upon black churches ignore such evidence as the following

  • Less than a month before the June 1995 fire that destroyed the Macedonia Baptist Church in Manning, South Carolina, a Ku Klux Klan poster was tacked to the church’s door. The poster depicted a hooded Klansman and announced the time and place of an upcoming Klan rally. Another KKK poster appeared across the street from the church. Timothy Welch, convicted of setting the fire, carried a card certifying he was a KKK member. Fellow arsonist Gary Cox reportedly attended Klan rallies with him.

A Fire on the Cross continued...

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