Deprogramming is a violent psychiatric procedure which often includes kidnapping, beatings, sleep deprivation and humiliation. The deprogrammer assaults the victim physically and/or emotionally until he or she disavows his religious beliefs.
The Legal Corps of Los Angeles is located at 7807 Compton Ave., 2nd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90001.
Telephone: (323) 588-7200.
Michael Levine is a 25-year veteran of federal law enforcement and the author of Deep Cover and The Big White Lie.
Maria Monk An apostate from the Roman Catholic Church who, with her husband, published The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk in 1836 purporting to describe seven years of her life as a nun in Montreal, Canada. The book sold more than 300,000 copies and stirred up frenzies of anti-Catholic sentiment, but has since been shown to be filled with lies.