In its extensive coverage of issues of social injustice, Freedom has underscored and highlighted solutions.
It is commonly accepted today that a poor education lends itself to both bigotry and criminality. Freedom has featured workable education programs which use the education methods developed by L. Ron Hubbard and are getting results at all levels of society. Freedom has also published the insightful views of such individuals as Hans Sorensen, Danish law enforcement official who makes a convincing case for the link between criminality and poor scholastic ability.
The general decrease of morality in society has contributed to overloaded court systems, which is part of the problem that results in injustice. Freedom has covered the work of groups and individuals to improve morality, such as the highly successful Way to Happiness program based on the non-religious common-sense moral code, The Way to Happiness, written by Mr. Hubbard. Criminon, the criminal rehabilitation program which uses The Way to Happiness, has been featured in Freedom for its success, including an unprecedented low rate of recidivism among those who have completed the program.
While the problems of our legal/judicial system and the outcomes of injustice make the most headlines, Freedom has featured judges and programs that are getting results. Among these are the relatively new drug courts which sentence offenders to programs for rehabilitation rather than to already over-crowded prisons.
Freedom has also highlighted groups and individuals who work tirelessly for the rights of citizens to equality and justicefrom the National Commission Against Repressive Legislation (NCARL) to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP).
Freedom will continue to give prominence to issues of equality and social justice in its pages, and work to make these principles apply to everyone.
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