Ethnic Discrimination
Over the past three decades, Freedom has investigated disparate treatment of ethnic minoritiesfrom Native Americans and African-Americans, to blacks in South Africa and Turks in Germany.
A probe of Native Americans rights violations led to an investigative feature on efforts to wrest control of valuable mineral rights from the Navajo Nation in the American Southwest. Coverage detailed the means employed, which included fomenting unrest and outright violence to deny the Navajos their due.
In examining injustices toward Native Americans, in 1986 Freedom interviewed John Trudell, former national chairman of the American Indian Movement. Trudell revealed evidence of underhanded activities against Native Americans on the part of government officials and workers charged with their well-being.
Freedom has analyzed causes of discrimination against ethnic minorities, including how a social climate which nurtures prejudice is formed. In two features in the 1980s, researchers scrutinized medias role in fomenting prejudicial treatment against Hispanics in California. The story revealed how sensationalized news media coverage inflamed the 1943 Los Angeles riots in which U.S. servicemen hunted, tormented and beat Hispanic men. Freedom also provided insight into the role of media in modern-day discrimination against ethnic minoritiesincluding prejudice within the media itself and stereotyped coverage of minorities.
Equal Rights and Social Justice continued ...
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