The Court of Appeal found that: In summary, there is sufficient evidence...to establish that ...CAN functioned through its contact people; that CAN members routinely referred people to deprogrammers; and that CAN was aware of Ross and the fact that he conducted involuntary deprogrammings.... [T]he evidence establishes that CAN members routinely referred callers to deprogrammers, including involuntary deprogrammers.
Such was the new climate of intolerance for religious bigotry, which Freedom helped to establish, that the Cult Awareness Network folded up and no longer serves as a threat to religious liberty. Today, a reconstituted CAN actively and constructively applies the groups original mandate to educate the general public regarding religious rights, freedoms and responsibilities and has a trail of happy-ending stories to its creditreunited families, heightened trust and respect, and a healthy tolerance for religious diversity.
Freedom editions in other lands, from the United Kingdom to Australia, have likewise exposed how deprogramming breaks up families and destroys lives, and have been effective in restraining the destructive practice.
Freedom has also probed beyond CANs deprogrammers and discovered the nature and motives of those whose false theories of religious brainwashing helped motivate the deprogramming movement and justify its criminal assaults.
Chief among the deprogramming networks mentors has been Dr. Louis Jolyon West, who heavily advocates drugging, and wrote that the drug-free state of mind is an antiquated position. West has extensively experimented with the use of powerful hallucinogenic drugs, including a lethal test on an elephant with a dose of LSD 1,500 times that which would be needed to send a human on a full-scale trip. In the 1990s West was dismissed from his lucrative position as the head of the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) Neuropsychiatric Institute after evidence suggested misuse of government funds. Freedom also investigated Wests highly racist theories about crime [See Equal Rights and Social Justice]
Freedom uncovered the motivations and practices of other CAN mentors and icons, with similar findings of prejudice, bigotry and hypocrisy.
The Cornerstone of Liberty continued...
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